Thursday, March 28, 2024

Report #041 – QUEBEC, Parc de la Gatineau – Type 2

 Report #041 – QUEBEC, Parc de la Gatineau – Type 2


Name: R. (Anonymous)

Location: Belvédère Champlain, Parc de la Gatineau, Québec

Date/Time: 2019

Weather Conditions:  Late afternoon

Source: Witness


Documented by Eastern Canada Sasquatch Organization

Organisation Sasquatch Québec


(Français ci-dessous)


The witness was at Champlain Lookout in Gatineau Park and heard a growl while on a trail.  The witness got ‘spooked’ and left the area.  (Report noted on March 25, 2024)



R: I'm surprised that there are no pins for within the Gatineau Park circumference. I can't confirm or deny myself but, I did hear something strange up near the Belvedère lookout in the trails in the back. It was a growl. I was running on the wide trail back to the parking lots. It spooked me. I picked up the pace, looking back now and then to see if it was a bear or coyote or even a wolf. Didn't see anything following me.

Since I was behind the group and the sun was setting and I don't remember if I had my headlight, I wasn't going to gamble on the possibilities.



I was wondering if you had some more detail about the growl you heard at belvedere Champlain.. When did this occur? So you were jogging?



Hi S. It's pretty much as stated in the comments. On our way back from the run, I was trailing at the back cause i was tired. There was a go-hut at the side of trail, I went and as I was slowly heading back, I heard the growl, very distinct like when a dog or a human makes a growl. I saw no signs of animal activity when I stopped to relieve myself and I saw nothing as I left the hut. The rest was stated in my post.




Thank you!. Do you remember what year this was?.




Oh, right before covid, 2019 maybe? I'm not good with dates, sorry




(…) I remember my late aunt mention that a friend of hers out hunting in Wakefield or Gracefield and he either saw or heard something in the woods. She couldn't tell me more. I was a pre-teen or so.


Organisation Sasquatch Québec



Rapport #041 – QUEBEC, Parc de la Gatineau – Type 2


Nom: R. (Anonyme)

Endroit: Belvédère Champlain, Parc de la Gatineau, Québec

Date/Heure: 2019

Température:  Après-midi

Source: Témoin


Documenté par l’Organisation Sasquatch de l’Est du Canada

Organisation Sasquatch Québec


 Le témoin était au Belvédère Champlain dans le Parc de la Gatineau et a entendu un grognement lorsqu’il était dans le sentier.  Le témoin a eu peur et a quitté les lieux.  (Rapport pris le 25 mars 2024)


L’incident s’est passe en 2019 en fin de journée et le témoin courait avec un groupe dans le sentier près du Belvédère. 


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About Me - Un mot de la fondatrice

  About Me   My name is Sabine Blais and I am the founder of both Sasquatch organizations (Eastern Canada and Quebec), as well as the Fa...