Monday, April 29, 2024

Report #049 – QUEBEC, Val d’Or – Type 1

 Report #049 – QUEBEC, Val d’Or – Type 1


Name: Unknown

Location: Val d’Or, Quebec

Date/Time: September 5th, 2006

Weather Conditions:  day



Documented by Eastern Canada Sasquatch Organization


 The witness is a truck driver.

 On September 5th, 2006 he was driving towards the town of Val d’Or in northern Quebec, he was driving northbound on hwy 117 and entered the Laurentide Park.  After an hour of driving, he was in a remote part of the park when he saw what seemed to be a bear come out on the road.


The witness stated that the creature seemed to be indecisive, it reached the centerline and stopped.  When the witness got close enough, he realized that this was a not a bear and was bipedal.   The witness noticed that the subject walked like a person with back problems, with a knee-high gait.


The biped’s head was sort of long, not round; he had dull black hair all over his body and head.  The creature ran off like a person ‘with a bad back problem’.   The truck driver feels that the creature was probably looking at him on the road, which explains why it stopped, seemingly hesitating on the road, before starting off across running.



 (Français ci-dessous)

Rapport #049 – Français


Location: Val d’Or, Québec

Date/Heure: Le 5 septembre, 20056


 Le 5 septembre 2006, un chauffeur de camion aux environs de Val d’Or, Québec traversait le parc Laurentide sur la route 117, lorsqu’il a aperçu une créature bipède de couleur noire au milieu de la route.  Le bipède était arrêté et semblait confus, il a ensuite traversé le chemin en courant, debout sur deux jambes.


 Organisation Sasquatch Quebec

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About Me - Un mot de la fondatrice

  About Me   My name is Sabine Blais and I am the founder of both Sasquatch organizations (Eastern Canada and Quebec), as well as the Fa...