Saturday, April 27, 2024

Report #047 – QUEBEC, St-Alexandre – Type 1

Report #047 – QUEBEC, St-Alexandre – Type 1


Name: Unknown

Location: St-Alexandre, Montérégie, Quebec 

Date/Time: July 1979

Weather Conditions: 

Source: George Mitrovic, Amazing Bigfoot Encounters of East Coast North America, p.178


Documented by Eastern Canada Sasquatch Organization


 During July 1979 in Montérégie City St-Alexandre in Quebec, a 19-year-old youth claims he saw a tall gray hairy figure with glowing red eyes in a forested area.  He shot at it, apparently wounding it.  The creature ran into the woods and disappeared, emitting loud howls.  Police apparently investigated the case.




Rapport #047 – QUEBEC, St-Alexandre – Type 1


Nom: Inconnu

Endroit: St-Alexandre, Montérégie, Quebec 

Date/Heure: Juillet 1979


Source: George Mitrovic, Amazing Bigfoot Encounters of East Coast North America, p.178


Documenté par l’Organisation Sasquatch de l’Est du Canada

Organisation Sasquatch Québec


En juillet 1979 à St-Alexandre en Montérégie au Québec un jeune homme de 19 and dit qu’il a aperçu une grande figure de couleur grise avec des yeux rouges dans un endroit boisé.  Il lui a tiré dessus, et l’a apparemment touché, la blessant.  La créature a couru dans les bois en poussant des hurlements.  La police a apparemment mené une enquête.



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About Me - Un mot de la fondatrice

  About Me   My name is Sabine Blais and I am the founder of both Sasquatch organizations (Eastern Canada and Quebec), as well as the Fa...