Saturday, April 6, 2024

Legislation for Bigfoot - An Overview

 Legislation for Bigfoot

Eastern Canada Sasquatch Organization


 Over the past 120 years, some laws were put in place to protect Hominids in North America.   These laws are very scarce and few in numbers.  However, they set a precedent in efforts to protect the Sasquatch species, despite the government and scientific community’s denial of their existence.  Bigfoot research has greatly developed over the past decades despite ridicule, and these local protection laws still send a message.





British Columbia

In 1905, BC Government Agent Marshall Bray has stated that it is unlawful to kill ‘Mowglies’ in the province of British Columbia at ‘any time’.  He had responded to an individual’s letter of permission to shoot the Wild Man of Horne Bay.  This letter was published in an article in The Colonist in 1905.

Source: The Best of Bigfoot Sasquatch, John Green, p.90



United States


Washington State

In April 1969, Skamania County in Washington State established Ordinance No. 69-01 in order to protect Sasquatch-type Hominids.


In April 1984 the Ordinance was amended and updated into Ordinance No. 1984-02. The amended law established the Hominid species as an ‘endangered species’ and created a ‘Sasquatch refuge.’


In June 1992, Whatcom County created Resolution No. 92-043 to protect Homonids in their territory.  


These laws are a good effort but clearly not enough to protect Hominids worldwide.  Federal legislation is needed to ensure their personal and physical safety, in North America and abroad.   The involvement of First Nations tribes and Indigenous groups would be needed to help implement a cultural/historical context to the Sasquatch species, and validate them as aboriginal tribes.  Also, enforcing the view that the Sasquatch are people, and not mere animals.   If Hominids are people, they are entitled to be added to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


There is still a way to go before getting authorities to acknowledge the Sasquatch Hominids as tribes of feral, aboriginal people; however that day may come sooner than we think.  Until then, the Eastern Canada Sasquatch Organization strongly advocates for Federal protection laws for all Sasquatch species.  It also recognizes the Sasquatch as an aboriginal people with human rights.






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About Me - Un mot de la fondatrice

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