Monday, April 29, 2024

Report #050 – QUEBEC, Sept-Chutes – Type 1

 Report #050 – QUEBEC, Sept-Chutes – Type 1


Name: Anonynous

Location: Parc Sept-Chutes, Québec

Date/Time: Photo taken July 1st, 1995; subject noticed 2005.

Weather Conditions:  Sunny

Source: Journey to the Other Side, You Tube, The Beast of 7 Chutes Photograph

Bob Gymlan, You Tube


Documented by Eastern Canada Sasquatch Organization


The Beast of Sept-Chutes

 An unidentified truck driver took a photo in an area of Parc Sept-Chutes in Quebec on July 1st, 1995.  After reviewing his stack of photos in 2005, he realized that he also photographed a humanoid bipedal creature standing on two legs.  The creature has an elongated snout and seems to be holding something in its arms.


Journey to the Other Side


Bob Gymlan



 Rapport #050 (Français)


Endroit: Parc Sept-Chutes, Québec

Date/Heure: Photo prise le 1er juillet, 1995; le bipède découvert en 2005.


 La créature de Sept-Chutes

 Le 1er juillet 1995, un chauffeur de camion anonyme a pris cette photo lors d’un séjour au Parc Sept-Chutes, au Québec.  Après avoir révisé ses photos de voyage en 2005, il a remarqué cette figure apparaissant dans une photo, un être humanoïde debout sur deux pattes.  Le bipède a un museau et semble tenir quelque chose dans ses bras.



Organisation Sasquatch Québec



Report #049 – QUEBEC, Val d’Or – Type 1

 Report #049 – QUEBEC, Val d’Or – Type 1


Name: Unknown

Location: Val d’Or, Quebec

Date/Time: September 5th, 2006

Weather Conditions:  day



Documented by Eastern Canada Sasquatch Organization


 The witness is a truck driver.

 On September 5th, 2006 he was driving towards the town of Val d’Or in northern Quebec, he was driving northbound on hwy 117 and entered the Laurentide Park.  After an hour of driving, he was in a remote part of the park when he saw what seemed to be a bear come out on the road.


The witness stated that the creature seemed to be indecisive, it reached the centerline and stopped.  When the witness got close enough, he realized that this was a not a bear and was bipedal.   The witness noticed that the subject walked like a person with back problems, with a knee-high gait.


The biped’s head was sort of long, not round; he had dull black hair all over his body and head.  The creature ran off like a person ‘with a bad back problem’.   The truck driver feels that the creature was probably looking at him on the road, which explains why it stopped, seemingly hesitating on the road, before starting off across running.



 (Français ci-dessous)

Rapport #049 – Français


Location: Val d’Or, Québec

Date/Heure: Le 5 septembre, 20056


 Le 5 septembre 2006, un chauffeur de camion aux environs de Val d’Or, Québec traversait le parc Laurentide sur la route 117, lorsqu’il a aperçu une créature bipède de couleur noire au milieu de la route.  Le bipède était arrêté et semblait confus, il a ensuite traversé le chemin en courant, debout sur deux jambes.


 Organisation Sasquatch Quebec

Report #048 – QUEBEC, Temiscamingue – Type 3

 Report #048 – QUEBEC, Temiscamingue – Type 3


Name: Michel Provost

Location: Temiscamingue lake/region, Quebec

Date/Time: May 1981, Victoria Day weekend, 2 pm

Weather Conditions:  clear

Source: Sasquatch Theory, You Tube, Bigfoot Encounter in Quebec, Canada, posted May 31, 2021


Documented by Eastern Canada Sasquatch Organization


The witness was 14 years old at the time of the encounter, and resided in Ottawa, Ontario.


During the holiday weekend of May 1981, the witness Michel went to his friend Mark’s cabin with his father to open it up for the season.   At 2 pm on Saturday, the witness went off alone to go fishing at a small lake at one hour and a half hiking distance from his friend’s cabin.   He sat against a large maple tree and began casting by the lake.


At around 3:30 pm the witness heard movement around the woods behind him, then the sound became louder coming from the woods.   The witness was then hit with a ‘wicked’ stench coming from the brush behind where the sound was coming from. 


The witness saw was seemed to be a large man, dressed in black, emerging from the treeline, at about 25 feet from him.  The witness described the creature as 8 feet tall, 500 lbs or so.  The creature almost made it to the lake before it noticed him, The creature stopped, turned it head towards him, it looked like it didn’t have a neck. 


The creature looked at the witness and had a look of surprise, then anger. The sight of the witness’s shotgun seemed to make the creature even angrier.   The creature gave out two large grunts, blew and snarled all at once, then it started to growl.   The growl went through the witness, and the creature then flipped its lips and showed its teeth at the witness.   The witness noticed the creature had canines.

The creature’s hair was black and seemed groomed regularly.  The sun was shining from the hair on its body.   It was built like the ‘biggest body builder ‘that the witness had ever seem; it seemed like ‘it had muscles on top of muscles’.  The outline of the head appeared like that of a large silverback gorilla, had a short snout, and its head seemed like a large rottweiler, with the rest of his face, eyes and forehead resembling that of a monkey, except for the brow ridge which stuck out like a Neanderthal. 


The witness recounted being terrified and ‘wet himself’, and was paralysed with fear.  He stated that he ‘couldn’t move’.   According to the witness he stated that a couple of ‘supposed Bigfoot researchers’ had told him that the creature was a type 3 Sasquatch called a ‘Gugwe’.


(According to what the researchers told the witness, there are four types of Sasquatch, the Gugwe is known to be aggressive, confrontational and unpredictable.  They are also known to attack without any reason – taken from the video).


At one point the creature turned facing the witness and put one fist on the ground like a line backer playing football, seemingly about to charge.   The witness put his rifle down on the ground and the creature seemed less angry.  After 10-15 seconds, the creature raise himself back on two legs, emitted two grunts or growls, turn his body away and walked away still looking at the witness.   Then it started to walk back into the woods.  


After 5 minutes the witness made sure the creature was gone, even though the smell lingered.  He took his bag, fishing line and shotgun and ran back towards the cabin.   The witness states he never returned to that small lake, and no longer camps outside or in a trailer.  He did not tell anyone what he experienced until he was 30 years old.


Michel Provost

Pontiac County, Quebec


 Sasquatch Theory, You Tube





Saturday, April 27, 2024

Report #047 – QUEBEC, St-Alexandre – Type 1

Report #047 – QUEBEC, St-Alexandre – Type 1


Name: Unknown

Location: St-Alexandre, Montérégie, Quebec 

Date/Time: July 1979

Weather Conditions: 

Source: George Mitrovic, Amazing Bigfoot Encounters of East Coast North America, p.178


Documented by Eastern Canada Sasquatch Organization


 During July 1979 in Montérégie City St-Alexandre in Quebec, a 19-year-old youth claims he saw a tall gray hairy figure with glowing red eyes in a forested area.  He shot at it, apparently wounding it.  The creature ran into the woods and disappeared, emitting loud howls.  Police apparently investigated the case.




Rapport #047 – QUEBEC, St-Alexandre – Type 1


Nom: Inconnu

Endroit: St-Alexandre, Montérégie, Quebec 

Date/Heure: Juillet 1979


Source: George Mitrovic, Amazing Bigfoot Encounters of East Coast North America, p.178


Documenté par l’Organisation Sasquatch de l’Est du Canada

Organisation Sasquatch Québec


En juillet 1979 à St-Alexandre en Montérégie au Québec un jeune homme de 19 and dit qu’il a aperçu une grande figure de couleur grise avec des yeux rouges dans un endroit boisé.  Il lui a tiré dessus, et l’a apparemment touché, la blessant.  La créature a couru dans les bois en poussant des hurlements.  La police a apparemment mené une enquête.



About Me - Un mot de la fondatrice

  About Me   My name is Sabine Blais and I am the founder of both Sasquatch organizations (Eastern Canada and Quebec), as well as the Fa...